The CDC states,
Environmental Contamination Plays a Significant
in Healthcare Associated Infections.

CDC - Best Practices for Environmental Cleaning in Global Healthcare Facilities, 2020 

We Are Sanitizing the Future

Unfortunately, the current prevention measures are largely confined to personal hygiene and the sanitation of frequently touched surfaces. The impact of sanitation is short-lived and fails to offer long-term protection. Current hygiene protocols do not effectively tackle harmful pathogens, as disinfectants like chlorine do not provide residual activity.

Bio-fence’s technology plays a crucial role in prevention by maintaining a patient’s environment free from multi-drug-resistant microorganism (MDRO) and minimizing the rates of cross-contamination. Bio-fence has developed a patented product called OxiLast, which creates a long-lasting antimicrobial film that has been proven to significantly reduce AMR from surfaces.

OxiLast™ is a newly patented coating material that can be added to a chlorine-based disinfecting solu­tion and create an invisible temporary film that preserves and extends the bactericidal capacity of the added chlo­rine during prolonged gaps between disinfection cycles to attenuate or even eliminate sustained and successive microbial contaminations.


 Stabilizing Strong Sanitizers Onto Surfaces


Chlorine and other disinfectants
have no residual activity.


  • Suitable for Multi Surfaces
  • Accessible Price
  • Simple to Implement
  • Easy to Monitor Activity


Water based, film creation formulation. Stabilizing strong sanitizers onto surfaces

Bio-fence’s patented compound is embedded in OxiLast formulation

Dilute the product with water and add a tablet of chlorine. The product is ready to be used

Wipe on inanimate non-porous surfaces in healthcare settings including bed rails, bedside tables, mattress, IV stands, light switches, doors handles, wheelchairs, and many others.

A Comprehensive in Vitro Study

Under the tested conditions, the OxiLast formulation proved to be effective against high CFU loads of Gram positive and Gram negative ESKAPE organisms when applied to the surface.
>99.99% with 5-15 minutes for up to 7-Days.
Similar results were observed following challenges such as simulated abrasion of coated surfaces, organic contamination or successive inoculations.

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Achieves Long-Lasting Reduction of Healthcare-Associated Pathogens in
Hospital Rooms

The Hadassah Medical Center conducted a study to test the effectiveness of OxiLast in killing MRSA and Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) on surfaces in patient rooms.
The surfaces were treated with OxiLast once on day 0 (D0), and then were contaminated with 106 of resistant bacteria, on consecutive days till day 7 (D7). Reduction in live bacterial counts were determined by quantitative cultures. The study compared the effectiveness of OxiLast to the current hospital sanitation protocol.

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Proven efficacy of OxiLast against the new fungal threat: Candida Auris

≥99.99% reduction of all the above strains within 5-15 min, up to 7 days, in presence of organic contamination; artificial test soil (ATS) or bovine serum albumin (BSA)

5-cycles of dry abrasion
2 successive bacterial loadings

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